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Who knew?

Take a look around the farm and at first glance you may not see it but there are a lot of new and exciting things going on. Perhaps it is because some of these new things are small enough they could be easily overlooked. Or the fact that some of this newness is taking place further in the back fields and out of sight as it maybe. We suppose some of the new isn’t enough of a change in things to the casual observer, but it surely is new to us. And admittedly so, we are a small operation so perhaps even this newness that is so in the face for us isn’t much of a big deal to most.

Maybe breaking new to us ground is well only exciting to farmers like ourselves but we would be speaking out of step to say that opening up new field space in Middlefield is anything less than a thrill. In an ambitious plan to free up space in our most production friendly beds in Durham, we decided to plant all of this years onions and kale in the outside field space in Middlefield. This may not sound like a wild idea to most but if you saw this overgrown area and combine that vision with the fact it is being done without the use of mechanical intervention, than the ambitiousness of this plan would be clear. However, through the use of tarps and with the hard work of the crew, we now not only have areas prepped for onions, Kale and Collards in the ground, but also arguably the hardest prepping of the season(hopefully) out of the way. Some more new things have come in the way of the first official planting of J and J’s home orchard. Four elderberry bushes, two pear, two peach and three apple trees have been planted into the front most pasture in Middlefield. Unfortunately, we have neither the space nor ambition to tend and actual orchard, so this fruit won’t be making it to market, though in the years to come we hope to be able to offer some value added products from our humble plantings.

Willard with his fresh new haircut on eclipse day
Willard and his fresh new cut on Eclipse day

One of the most in your face things to happen on the farm this past week is 7 fresh new hair cuts. No not to soften up the rough edges of the farmers but for the sheep. So they not only look cool all summer long but actually stay cool while their home made sweaters slowly regrow. Another in your face thing on the farm these days that frankly isn’t at all new is the ramping up of you Spring Plant Sale. Take one look into our nursery and it quickly becomes apparent just how busy we have been prepping for all of this. We have a had a lot of the herbs and some cold weather veg on the website and at the markets the past couple of weeks with more being added each week. As the weather gets warmer the selection will grow with tomatoes, peppers and flowers showing up at the market and online as soon as next week. As always we encourage your growing questions, stories, hopes, dreams, successes and failures, after all we do love talking plants.

Have a Great week

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